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She Fucked Like Some Kind of Wild Animal

She Fucked Like Some Kind of Wild Animal

The Chicago Coyote Guy on the Story Behind That Viral Video

Joey Santore. Photo: Joey Santore

If there's 1 thing people love, it'due south videos of beautiful animals. If in that location's a 2nd thing people dear even more than, it's videos of beautiful, unexpected animal friendships, similar this one, for example, of a coyote pup being helped out past a heavily tattooed guy with a Chicago accent thicker than a deep-dish pizza.

"I'm non gonna fuck wid you! Nooo, y'all're non dat tough. Hey, c'mere," the man says in the video, before subduing the pup, gently stroking its fur, and eventually getting it into the back of his car. "You know what I's gonna do? Is take y'all tuh a prissy rehab facility, and and then they'll, uh, release ya back to da wild and you lot tin can go consume some feral cats and some stuff like dat, ya know?"

The video was uploaded last calendar week by the Twitter user @eedrk, with the concise yet descriptive caption, "Guy with thick chicago accent helps coyote pup." Considering of its endearing mixture of sweetness and crass language, and humanity's aforementioned love of cute beast videos, it immediately went viral. Also, of form, some people got horny for it. Since information technology went up on Thursday, it has been viewed over 8 million times, and retweeted over 146,000 times.

The well-meaning Chicagoan in the video is Joey Santore, 36, a freight-train operator and self-taught botanist, who posts funny, informational videos of the plants and animals he comes across to his YouTube page, Crime Pays But Phytology Doesn't. This calendar week, the Cut called Santore – whose real accent is notably less pronounced than the one he uses in the videos. He had just gotten back from a research trip with a friend in southern Arizona, and was walking his dogs as we spoke. We talked about the fate of the pup (Spoiler: Things didn't cease well), botany, and all the online friend requests he's getting now.

The Cut: Thanks so much for talking with me. Showtime of all, tell me about finding the coyote pup. I heard things didn't end well …

Joey Santore: I retrieve she was … You're not offended past profanity, I assume, right? Being an adult?


Proficient. I call up she was fucked from the start. She was grossly underweight and this is a wild animate being that I was able to take hold of up with. You know, if she was good for you she would accept been able to brand a beeline straight away from me. Just I saw her, information technology was around 2 p.grand., and she was crossing this road in this area of Northern California called Siskiyou County. I said, that's actually odd to meet a coyote pup out in wide daylight in an open surface area at 2 p.g. There were no others around. And when I got up shut to her I saw how skinny and tiny she was.

Oh, God. Then what?

I was able to catch her. I accept a rabies shot considering I'one thousand out in the middle of nowhere a lot, so I knew I was condom even if she was rabid. I concluded up giving her a flea bathroom afterwards, considering she was covered in ticks and lice. She had nasal discharge in her eyes and her olfactory organ. I got her to eat that night, and the next day I chosen around to wildlife rehabs, and the nearest one was like 2.5 hours away, and I wasn't able to make it down that day. So I had her for a total of like 30 hours, and was going to bring her downwardly the day she died.

So I woke upwards Monday at eight a.m. and she had passed the nighttime before. She had stopped eating, and … I don't know. I kind of felt like shit about it. It didn't actually strike me the first dark. The first twenty-four hours she died I was like, yep whatever, animals die, it's the way of the world. Simply and so the next twenty-four hour period it just kind of fucked me up a niggling scrap more and I realized information technology hit me a lot more than I initially thought.

This prune of you has millions of views and it's been shared thousands of times. Did you know information technology had gone viral?

It actually went viral twice. This European news agency got me to license information technology to them first. I let them use it for some compilation they put out. I figured maybe information technology would draw more than people to the YouTube channel. And my whole purpose with that YouTube channel is just to teach people nigh plants. Because I recollect wild botany and wild fauna are a dainty escape from the drab, depressing reality of mod society.

I think our values equally a guild by and large suck and could use a picayune flake more awareness of what'southward going on in the nonhuman world, you know? Especially since nosotros're destroying so much of it to put up shopping malls and track housing, and unsustainable agriculture and things similar that.

Last week, I was out in the mountains of southern Arizona with a friend who's getting a Ph.D. on a certain species of constitute in the aster family, so we were out in that location collecting that in the middle of nowhere, and and then I started getting texts from friends similar, You're blowing up!, and I thought, Oh fuck. And sure enough, I looked, and I'm similar, Jesus Christ. I started getting friend requests from these heart-aged white ladies in Iowa. The typical person — and no offense to them — simply the kind of person that responds to clickbait cute animal videos, yous know? And so I was like, okay, this is kind of hilarious.

So tell me how you got into botany, and why did you lot decide to start making these videos?

I got into botany like 12 or thirteen years agone. I was traveling effectually the land when I was 21-22. I would meet all this stuff in the mural of the American West that I had no idea how these landscapes formed or how the plants that lived on them were able to survive, in the desert, for instance. And I simply read obsessively about it.

On Instagram you tin record a footling 15-second segment, so I started doing that. And then my friends were like, you should put these videos on YouTube. And finally I was similar, you know what, yeah, some of this stuff is pretty proficient. Like, some of these landscapes are pretty cool, and some of these plants are super rare and endangered and may not even exist here in xl years.

Whoa …

Learning about this shit saved my life. I had a fucked-up childhood. I've been engaged in conflict with either potency figures or adults or people my whole life, for better or worse, and I grew upwardly listening to punk rock. I was a pissed-off kid. I grew up merely kind of pissed off, generally. Convinced that something wasn't right. Malcontent. And this shit literally saved me. Learning nigh this whole other globe besides all the depressing shit you see — the strip malls and the freeways and the fucking homeless camps, and the yuppie condos. Learning about the world outside of that was such a pleasant escape. And I think information technology tin can exercise the same for a lot of other people.

The Chicago Coyote Guy on the Story Backside That Viral Video

She Fucked Like Some Kind of Wild Animal




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